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Alberta Vadnais

Author & Non-profit Consultant

"No matter what life throws your way, joy and peace are always within reach."

Hi, friend. I’m Alberta!

I’m the editor at Best Daily Prayer, who loves to help people connect with God’s love and find strength for their journey.

In 2019, I jumped out of my comfort zone when I started writing here on Best Daily Prayer.

I was one of those super private people who never would have dreamed of sharing my faith journey with the world. But one day God nudged my heart and said, “It’s time.”

So, I started writing about my faith journey and encouraging others to do the same. It’s been such a wild ride, and I’ve loved every minute of it!

Every day, I try to stay with God every day, whether it’s going to church or using a prayer app.

With Lord’s help, I hope to continue reaching out to others who might need a little encouragement on their faith journey.

My story is proof that no matter what life throws your way, joy and peace are always within reach.

“No matter what curveballs life throws your way, you can always find joy and peace if you turn to God.”

I’m not claiming to have all the answers to all of life’s questions.

My mission is to hold your hand as you walk with God, and to share the wisdom that He’s given me along the way. If you’re after perfection and polished answers, I’m not your girl. But if you’re looking for someone to laugh and cry with as we seek God’s face together, then let’s be friends

If you’ve read thus far, I’m guessing you and I have a lot in common. Maybe you’ve been through some tough times, or are struggling with something right now. Maybe you’re just feeling lost and alone, and are desperately searching for meaning in this life.

Whatever your story is, I want you to know that you are not alone. God sees you, He knows you, and He loves you. And I am here to walk with you on your journey to finding Him.

So, whether you’re just starting out on your faith journey, or you’ve been walking with God for years, I invite you to join me in prayer. Let’s seek God’s face together, and become friends along the way.


“The darkest night often leads to the brightest dawn!”

My faith journey began when I was just a child. I grew up in a Christian New England home and went to church every Sunday. I sang in the Church choir and was involved in every Church activity I could. But as I got older, I began to drift away from God.

As a young adult, I faced some difficult challenges and made some poor choices. I lost my father when I was only 19, and my marriage ended in divorce. I turned to alcohol and food to numb the pain and ended up hitting rock bottom.

But it was during this dark time that I found God again. I realized that I had been running from Him and that I needed His forgiveness. I turned my life over to Christ, and He has been walking with me ever since.

Today, I am a writer and speaker, sharing my story in the hopes of helping others find hope and healing in Jesus Christ. Every summer I go on a pilgrimage, walking hundreds of miles across France with a group of other Christians. It is a time of prayer and reflection, and I feel closer to God than ever before.

My life is far from perfect, but Christ has given me peace and joy that I never could have found on my own. If you are struggling today, I encourage you to seek out a relationship with God. He is waiting for you with open arms!