Best Prayers for Finding a Husband


Many times as women, we find ourselves fantacizing about the perfect wedding and the perfect groom. But not involving God in the process of choosing our husbands can lead us to say “I do” to the wrong person and make those beautiful dreams crash and burn. Even in the face of pressure as we get older, as Christian women, we have to patiently pray and let God lead us to the right spouse.

You need a man that loves and fears God. You also need a man who would love you like God loves you, a man that will cultivate you and enable you bloom into the woman God has called you to be. For these specific traits, you need to pray with specific points.

Here are the best prayers to help you when praying to God for a husband, and the right one as that.

Prayer By The Woman For A Husband

Lord, I pray for a God-fearing, humble, gentle, faithful, and loving man. May he be one filled with respect for women and protect them in all harm, trouble, and afflictions. May You come first in his life and may he lead a family to God.

Lord, I am willing to accept a man despite whatever his past is. May he come fully done away with his old bad habits. May His past be history as we take each other from the day we come together in a relationship. In the same way, I pray Lord that he too will not see the old me but as someone good and renewed in Your hope and blessings. May my past never be a hindrance to living my present life as a wife as I make amends to my old self and give myself wholly and truly to him. Amen.

Prayer of Guidance and Direction

Lord, I pray for a God-fearing, humble, gentle, faithful, and loving man. May he be one filled with respect for women and protect them in all harm, trouble, and afflictions. May You come first in his life and may he lead a family to God.

Lord, I am willing to accept a man despite whatever his past is. May he come fully done away with his old bad habits. May His past be history as we take each other from the day we come together in a relationship. In the same way, I pray Lord that he too will not see the old me but as someone good and renewed in Your hope and blessings. May my past never be a hindrance to living my present life as a wife as I make amends to my old self and give myself wholly and truly to him. Amen.

Prayer for Patience in Waiting for a Husband

Father God, You know me from the inside out. You know my desires and even my fleshly temptations. Help me know right from wrong, according to Your word. Teach me to wait upon You, oh Lord, for I often go ahead of Your plan. I know that You already have someone for me. Just help me to wait for him, Lord. If he is in front of me, show me. Help me to be less choosy, but to prayerfully rely on Your selection for me because You know who is best. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer Of Preparation

Loving Father, I know that for me to find the right husband, I must be the right wife. I ask that You would help me grow in faith and character. Help me mature in my thoughts, speech, and actions because as I become the right person, I will draw the right man in my life too. Help me increase my understanding and experience of life. Prepare me in every way that is important to become a woman that the right man will pursue to be his wife. Amen.

Prayer In Loneliness

Father God, I thank You for the life that You have given me. Lord, I have been feeling lonely lately, and I believe that there will be a perfect companion for me, in Your time, oh Lord. Help me, when I get lonely or afraid of being on my own, help me to feel Your presence. I do not need a man to feel value, for I am precious to You. Teach me to be confident in You. I know that You are the great Provider, the Healer, and the One who makes all things beautiful, as You made me. Allow me to see that I am beautiful as I am and that I am precious. Help me to give You all my praise with my whole heart, and know that things will happen in Your all-knowing time. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Asking the Will of God for a Current Boyfriend

Father, I come to You in thankfulness for giving me this boyfriend of mine. Help me to understand Your will for this relationship, if he is the one for me. If not, reveal that to me also. I don’t want to continue in my passions, but I want to follow You. If he is not the one, give me the strength to let him go, and give him the wisdom to understand. I know that You have the perfect husband for me, not a perfect man, but someone perfect for me. Give me the patience to wait upon You, my God. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Even as we pray to be found by the right man, we also have to pray to become the right woman. The role of self-development while waiting for a God-given spouse cannot be over-emphasized. Allow God to mold you into the woman He has called you to be even as you wait for a husband. He makes everything beautiful in His own time.