Greater Is He That Is In Me Verse Explained


As believers, it is essential to remember God’s presence in all that we do. Though the world often tells us that our abilities are limited, as Christians we know better; for “Greater is He that is within me than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

With this supernatural power and strength, even circumstances that seem impossible to overcome can be faced with confidence and courage! In this article, we will explore the truth of who our God is and how His mighty power enables us to live lives of faith no matter what life throws at us.

1 John 4:4 Verse Explained

In his letter to believers, the Apostle John wrote, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Here, John reveals to believers that they are not alone and powerless. He that is in you refers to the person of the Holy Spirit.

However, to fully understand this scripture, one must know what the first three verses say. John warned believers not to believe every spirit but to test them to know whether they are of God.

This scripture reveals two types of spirits: the Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of God, and the spirit of the antichrist. The spirit of the antichrist simply means the enemy of Christ, and he is no other person but the devil. This spirit is against the move of God and believers.

How does he operate? The devil influences false prophets with his spirit to mislead people and lure them away from God’s way into the path of destruction by telling them Jesus did not come to this world in the flesh (1 John 4:3).

Therefore, John reminds believers of their true identity and who they belong to – God. We not only belong to God, but He lives in us (1 Corinthians 6:19). He also emphasized their victory over the devil’s schemes and gimmicks through his false prophets. This victory is made possible by God, who dwells in His Children and is greater than the devil.

There is no gainsaying that God is greater than the devil. There’s simply no contest. The devil has been defeated since time immemorial (Isaiah 14:12–14Ezekiel 28:12–18). Jesus also confirms that Christians have nothing to fear because He has overcome the world, including the devil, for them that believe and trust in Him (John 16:33). Now, the good news is this same God that overcame the devil now lives in you. So, you can overcome the devil, his demons, and false prophets.

What Does it Mean ‘Greater Is He That Is In Me’?

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” That proves that every child of God has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.

However, the statement, “Greater Is He That Is In Me,” confirms that God dwells in us and proves that He is greater than any other spirit or power. That further shows that spirits possess everyone. However, these spirits differ.

The Bible records the story of the madman of Gadara, who was possessed by a legion of demons (Luke 8:26-39). The unclean in him tormented him to the point that he became mentally unstable, living in the tomb far away from people.

But, when this mad man of Gadara, whose life had been bound and oppressed by unclean spirits, met with Jesus, he bowed down before Him, recognizing the superiority and authority of Jesus over every other spirit. These unclean spirits begged Jesus not to cast them out but into a herd of swine feeding around, and Jesus commanded them to leave the man.

Demons and unclean spirits tremble before God. In fact, at the mention of the name of Jesus, they bow and become powerless (Philippians 2:10-11). This same Spirit that Jesus used to free the oppressed and captive, heal the sick, and raise the dead is in you.

What Does it Mean ‘Than He That Is In The World’?

1 John 4:4 mentions that there is someone who is in the world. Who is this person? He is the devil. The Bible calls him the ruler of this world (John 12:31).

Just as the Holy Spirit fills God’s people, evil spirits from the devil also fill those who are against God’s Word and commands. The Bible calls this set of people “the sons of disobedience.” (Ephesians 2:2)

However, he that is in the world is defeated forever and ever. He is only on a mission to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He diligently and tirelessly carries this mission because he wants to lead as many people astray. That is why he sent out his agents to disguise themselves as God’s prophet to proclaim lies and falsehood to deceive enough people that would join him and end up at his sure destination – hell.

What Does It Mean For Christians Today?

Christians today are passing through various challenges, attacks against the church and Christian faith, and persecutions. However, our joy is that we will always overcome darkness because light always wins.

God’s Spirit within us is an ever-flowing source of strength, wisdom, and power, protecting us against false doctrines and shielding us from physical and spiritual attacks of the enemy and his cohorts. We are victorious and will always be because “Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world.”

Final Thoughts

We are the children of God and have overcome false teachings because the one who is in us (referring to the Holy Spirit) is greater than the one who is in the world (referring to Satan and his false teachings). We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us, which is greater than any influence from the world.

This verse is also a reminder that, as Christians, we have the power of God within us to overcome the world’s temptations and false teachings. The verse encourages us to stay true to

the teachings of Jesus Christ and not to be swayed by false teachings or temptations.