What are the Names of God in the Bible?


Jehovah, Yahweh, Adoni – the names of God in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, reveal that our one God has been given many different titles. Some of these names are used to remind us of great things that He’s done, while others have been given to acknowledge and proclaim aspects of who He is.

God, as the author of all things, fills many roles throughout His word. He is a creator, a redeemer, a judge, and a shepherd, just to name a few.

By giving His various names and titles, His believers (and the writers of the Bible) convey these different roles, and highlight aspects of His multifaceted nature.

In short, they tell us who our creator is, and our relationship with Him, in any situation we may be facing.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the names He has been given, what they mean, and why it’s important to us, as Christians, to know and understand the many names of God that are used in His word.

Names of God in the Bible

The Bible’s Old Testament is where we find most of the names of God, and their definitions in the Bible.

Each of these names shows us a different aspect of His character, nature, and power as they relate to all of His creation. Each name, or title, is used by the writer to reveal a different expression of His being, and how it relates to humanity.

Some of the most commonly used names of God in the Bible include:

1. Yahweh

names of god in the bible: Yahweh

In the Hebrew Bible, this is the most intimate and personal name of God. Many English versions of the Word translate this to “the Lord” or “I Am”.

In Exodus 3:14, God tells Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.”

Ancient Hebrew didn’t include written vowels, so their spelling of the name of God was “YHWH”, and we’re not really sure how it was actually pronounced originally. When this most sacred name of God was translated to Greek (which does include written vowels) it became the more familiar “Yahweh.”

2. El Elyon

names of god in the bible: El Elyon

“El” is the Hebrew word for mighty or strong, and is most often used in the context of God. El Elyon translates to “God Most High,” Using the name El Elyon speaks to God’s supremacy and authority over all of His creation.

3. El Shaddai

names of god in the bible: El Shaddai

“El Shaddai” translates to “God Almighty” and refers to God’s omnipotence and His power to provide for the needs of his people. Jacob asked God Almighty (El Shaddai) to show mercy to his sons for their sins against their brother Joseph. Jacob used this term again when he was describing to Joseph how the Almighty had appeared to him in the Canaanite city of Luz.

4. Adonai

names of god in the bible: Adonai

The Hebrew word “Adoni” means “Master” or “Lord” and is often used as a title of respect when addressing God.

Somewhere around the first century A.D., Jews stopped saying the most sacred name of God, Yahweh. They were afraid of using it incorrectly and accidentally breaking the second commandment (not taking the Lord’s name in vain).

When reading scripture out loud, instead of saying “Yahweh” each time it appeared, they would substitute it with Adoni.

5. Jehovah

names of god in the bible: Jehovah

Early in the 13th century, Christian scholars took the vowel sounds from the word Adoni and incorporated them into the original Hebrew spelling of YHWH. This combination produced a word that sounded like “Yahowah.” Latinization spelled this word “Yahweh.”

A Spanish Dominican monk named Raymundus Martini penned the first known use of this spelling of Jehovah in 1270 A.D.

Many of the Bible’s names for God begin with Jehovah followed by a word describing a specific attribute.

Three of the most commonly used examples include:

6. Jehovah Jireh

Translated “The Lord Will Provide” Jehovah Jireh refers to God’s provision, as in the story of Abraham and Isaac.

“So, Abraham called the name of that place, “[Jehovah Jireh] The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided.” Genesis 22:14.

7. Jehovah Rapha

Jehovah Rapha means “The Lord Who Heals”, highlighting God’s role as our physical and spiritual healer.

Moses uses this term when speaking to the Israelites in Exodus 15:26:

“If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am [Jehovah Rapha] the LORD, your healer.”

8. Jehovah Shalom

Meaning “The Lord Is Peace”, Jehovah Shalom refers to God’s ability to deliver peace and goodwill. 

“Then Gideon built an altar there to the LORD and called it, [Jehovah Shalom] The LORD Is Peace. To this day it still stands at Ophrah, which belongs to the Abiezrites.” (Judges 6:24)

Even today, Jewish people often use “Shalom” idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye, much like the Hawaiian’s “Aloha”.

Names of God in the New Testament

With the arrival and revelation of Jesus Christ, New Testament Christians added a couple of new names for God, to include His new incarnation and message.

While “God” and “Lord” were still commonly used, some of the new names and titles included:

1. Immanuel

names of god in the bible: Immanuel

This name translates to “God with us,” and refers to Jesus’ fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah to Earth. (Matthew 1:23).

2. Alpha & Omega

names of god in the bible: Alpha & Omega

Meaning “The Beginning” and “The End”, this title appears in the Book of Revelations to highlight the eternal nature of God, and his presence throughout all time. 

Why So Many Names for God?

Keep in mind that the Bible was written by numerous authors over the course of centuries, including many different cultures and historical contexts.

Because of this, the different names of God in the Bible reflect the languages, cultures, times, and places in which a particular verse was written.

“The name “El Shaddai”, for example, is typically associated with the patriarchs in the Bible (Abraham, Issac, and Jacob) and reflects God’s role as the Almighty One who brought forth the nation of Israel.

Translation of the Bible into many languages throughout history has also created different names or titles for God. Often based on the culture of the target audience, these translations allowed believers from differing backgrounds to understand and connect with Scripture in a meaningful way.

Why is it Important to Know the Names of God?

There are a number of reasons that believers should know all of the names of God in the Bible.

Knowing and using a specific name in a specific situation helps us remember God’s power over it, and encourages us to recognize God’s meaningfulness in every area of our lives.

This recognition of His power offers comfort, strength, and guidance in troubling times.

Possibly the most important reason is to help us understand who He is. God is often described as transcendent and beyond human comprehension.

By understanding and using different names for God, we can acknowledge the mystery and unfathomable nature of the divine. At the same time, we gain insight and intimacy with the “incomprehensible”.


The Bible shows us many names for God. Each of these names represents and reveals a unique facet of The Almighty.  

Much more than simply labels, these names are a reflection of God’s power, His character, and His nature, helping us relate to Him.

It allows us to forge a profound connection with Him, weaving together our personal experiences, challenges, and needs into a tapestry of faith. El Shaddai, God Almighty, beckons us to know His name —a truly awe-inspiring invitation.

You might also want to read “Who Created God?” and “What Does God Look Like“.