How to Start a Prayer Journal: Tips for Beginners


For many Christians, the idea of a prayer journal seems like a hassle, majorly because they don’t understand what it entails. Christians often see journaling as a means to document their prayers and the individuals they bring before God.

However, the concept goes far beyond this. It involves pouring out your personal thoughts, feelings, biblical insights, records, lessons, and much more on paper. Confessing your sins to God can deepen your relationship with Him and bring more beauty and peace into your life.

Here’s a guide to show you how journaling can transform your life. It will also explain how you can start your own prayer journal today.

man sitting on the house floor with a notebook and considering ideas for writing

What is a Prayer Journal?

Simply put, it is a book where you note down your experience in both prayer and your walk with God.

Is the concept of a prayer journal rooted in the Bible?

Think of the book of Psalms, for example. The psalms are prayers written by David, Asaph, Moses, and the sons of Korah. They were meant to be played as music.

And yet countless believers, past and present have related to, drawn strength from, and used its words in their own petitions.

Why Should You Start a Prayer Journal?

It helps you focus better in your quiet time.

Many people struggle with wandering minds while praying. From grocery lists to random people, a whole number of things seem to find their way into your thoughts during devotion.

But writing usually involves keeping your mind focused on a particular thought for a while. And so journaling is a great way to keep your focus centered on God as you bring your thoughts to Him.

Helps to keep a record of the seasons in your walk with God.

This is so important for a number of reasons. This is particularly useful if you feel stagnant. It is also helpful if you struggle to see your spiritual growth. Additionally, it can provide you with an extra shot of Godly zeal and strength.

Keeping these accounts really aids you in seeing how far you’ve come in your Christian life. It also strengthens you when you feel down.

Builds your faith and gratitude.

Documenting your prayer requests and experience helps you observe the different ways God answered them and delivered you when you called. Reading these records strengthens your faith and makes it easier to trust Him in present situations.

By living this way, you will always have something to be grateful for, even during difficult times. This will keep you constantly filled with gratitude, as you can always thank God for something.

Enables you to pray better and receive peace.

Citing the Psalms as an illustration, most of the prayers recorded were heartfelt and exceedingly honest. They lamented, asked questions, and stood unfiltered before God. But by the time the Psalms were ending, they had come to the conclusion that He was still to be praised.

You can write down and reflect on your thoughts, hurts, fears, worries, and anxieties in front of Him. By doing this, you will be reminded of His faithfulness, which will bring you peace.

Helps you get better results in your Christian walk.

One thing about journaling is that it organizes your entire prayer life. Keeping track of what you’re praying about, the instructions you receive from God, and their outcomes is easier. It is important to stay organized and remember what you’re praying for. 

Additionally, it is crucial to pay attention to the instructions given to you by God. Lastly, it is essential to observe the outcomes of your prayers.

How to Start Your Prayer Journal?

Marvelous as it sounds, you don’t need a lot to get started with journaling. Many people spend too much time looking for the perfect prayer journal template that they never actually get to do it. But here’s how you can start off today in a few easy steps:

  • Pick the stationery supplies you need.

All you need is a book (people usually prefer a spiral notebook), and some pens. You don’t necessarily need fancy stuff, as long as it’s clean and you can write in it.

  • Get a template.

You can easily find a few options by searching online. However, the best ones are the ones that are customized to suit your specific needs.

If you can’t find one, section your note to include spots for things like:

  1. Date;
  2. Gratitude/ Answered Prayers. A kind of count-your-blessings section;
  3. Prayer requests;
  4. Bible verses for the ones you want to memorize or meditate on;
  5. Notes about your identity in Christ;
  6. Characteristics or names of God;
  7. Expression. To share your emotions and thoughts;
  8. A spot for affirmations and confessions;
  9. Spot for words and instructions from God, because prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue;
  • Set a time for journaling.

This is really important because it can be easy to forget while you’re still trying to build a new habit. Setting a specified time to do it increases your chances of actually getting it done. You can journal for as little as a few minutes a day to as much as hours, depending on your experiences.

At first, it may feel like you’re not doing it correctly and you might have some days that are not perfect. However, if you continue to show up, it will become easier.

  • Start writing.

The most important part of the entire process is actually doing it. Be as honest as possible and allow yourself to actually enjoy it rather than do it out of routine. With these four steps, you’re well on your way to a more organized Christian walk.

Prayer Journal for Women

Women’s prayer journals have no set rules. However, as a woman seeking to strengthen her relationship with God, there are several things you can write down:

  • You can document your journey as you discover from scripture who you are in Christ;
  • You can study remarkable women in the Bible and write down the admirable qualities you want to imbibe;
  • Bible verses like Proverbs 31, which talk about the ideal woman;
  • Your daily struggles with embracing who you are and being the best version of yourself;
  • Your journey to and through motherhood;
  • Moments you were grateful for your womanhood;
  • Prayers requests for your husband and children;
  • Answered prayers;

Prayer Journal for Men

Here are some extra sections men can include in their own diary as well:

  • Your identity in Christ;
  • Bible verses to build your faith and make you a better version of yourself;
  • Moments you were grateful for your manhood;
  • The struggles of being a man and father;
  • Prayer requests for your wife and children;
  • Godly characteristics you want to practice in your life;

Bible Verses on Prayer Journal

Here are some scriptures to include in your prayer journal. They will help you understand why you pray. Adding them will make you more mindful of the purpose behind your prayers.

Jeremiah 30:2

“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: “Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.”

Revelation 21:5

“He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Habakkuk 2:2

“Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”

Psalm 56:8

“You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?”

Jeremiah 15:16

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.”

Deuteronomy 31:24

“After Moses finished writing in a book the words of this law from beginning to end.”


A prayer journal is beautiful because it helps you become more mindful of God’s goodness, grace, and power in your life. The believer can stand unfiltered before Him, pouring out weal and woe and be reminded of the loving and faithful God they serve.

When you reflect on your honest lamentations and writings from the past, and remember how God came through, you gain strength. This strength enables you to continue praying, believing in Him, and writing. As a result, your faith grows, and you experience true peace.